Pipehacker Fun Stuff
All work and no play makes Jimmy a dull piper. Stickers, silliness, games, and gear—here are some lighthearted selections and bagpipe-themed downloads from the Pipehacker archive to keep things lively and fun.
Bagpipe Stickers
Warning Pipes Ahead!
Vintage Bagpipe Tutor
Pipe Band Forces Patch—Reedsmith
Pipe Band Forces Patch—Tone Team Alpha
Bagpipe Games and Activities
A Pipehacker Hallowe’en
Compete and Win: Play Pipe Band Rummy
The Musings of Angus Og, Piping Prophet
Musings of the Piping Prophet: The Make of the Badass Piper (Quiz)
Angus Og speaks!
Angus Og speaks, again!
Fun Bagpipe Gear
Pipehacker Gear: Embossed Beeswax
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