Small Tunes Online Tunebook
Monday, January 21, 2013
Purchase Full Access to Small Tunes!
Today’s Highland bagpiper has never had more media and music at their fingertips. The internet, expanding interest, and the number of live events all feed one another to…
We pipers love the latest and greatest music produced by our favorite soloists and pipe bands, don’t we? We want to play the same exciting stuff we hear….
Can you believe the holiday season is upon us once more? Here at Pipehacker we love making it yourself, but sometimes there is no substitute for a well crafted, high quality item. This year, send your loved ones over here to as a (not so subtle) hint for gifts. This week we tackle piping media!
Pipers seem to be riding a psychic wavelength that has us all thinking about our music and what it means to us. Ken Eller over at his Captain’s…