Forget Bagpipe School, This is Bagpipe University

These days you can acquire a college degree in just about anything via the internet. Some of the first online degrees were offered through accredited institutions right here in the USA. Now, the first ever comprehensive online piping school launches out of upstate New York where you can acquire the finest bagpiping know-how from the world’s top instructor at the newly launched Dojo University.

The last few years have seen many of the world’s great pipers leveraging the real time video and/or audio via Skype to administer lessons to students at long distances. The Piper’s Dojo out of Albany, New York will now take that to the next level with high-end conferencing tools and deliver fully interactive online classes over ten-week semesters.

Beginners to advanced students of bagpiping can expand their learning and engage with instructors such as Bruce and Alex Gandy, John Cairns and Glenn Brown. The Dojo University’s online interface will feature full webcam/audio interactivity, chat, show-my-screen technology, file uploads, white-board capability, and more. Each week, students will receive a 1-hour lecture-style class from their featured instructor, and also supplemental “seminar” classes.

The first ten-week session begins September 12. Sign up for your course of choice.

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