Friday, December 10, 2010
Can you believe the holiday season is upon us once more? Here at Pipehacker we love making it yourself, but sometimes there is no substitute for a well crafted, high quality item. This year, send your loved ones over here to as a (not so subtle) hint for gifts. This week we tackle piping media!
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Friday, December 3, 2010
Can you believe the holiday season is upon us once more? Here at Pipehacker we love making it yourself, but sometimes there is no substitute for a well crafted, high quality item. This year, send your loved ones over here to as a (not so subtle) hint for gifts. Check back on upcoming Fridays over the coming weeks for lists of more Pipehacker-approved piping gear!
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Can you believe the holiday season is upon us once more? Here at Pipehacker we love making it yourself, but sometimes there is no substitute for a well crafted, high quality item. This year, send your loved ones over here to as a (not so subtle) hint for gifts. Check back each Thursday over the coming weeks for lists of Pipehacker-approved piping gear!
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