Thursday, October 21, 2010
It’s all very nice to bandy about theories and ideas about what will make eastern US pipe bands better. But we’re not talking about magic here. If the rationale for the change—to force improvement in pipe bands because that improvement is currently absent—is solid, it should hold up against the data. So let’s look at it, shall we?
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Over the years, I have acquired many sets of drone reeds. Right now, I’ve got two combination sets going for solo and band playing that comprise three different makes. It has been an ongoing challenge keeping them packed safe and sound while they are not being played or transported in my pipe case.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
The recent string of Facebook comments on the EUSPBA Facebook page regarding playing instructors in pipe bands is worth a read. Obviously, it strikes a chord within our little eastern US piping and drumming community. Opinions abound, but if one were trying to find a rationale for the rule change for the 2011 season, one will have to look elsewhere.
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