Can Good Bagpiping Come in a Can?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wouldn’t it be great if your band’s musical dilemmas could be solved with a ready-made packaged solution?
Wouldn’t it be great if your band’s musical dilemmas could be solved with a ready-made packaged solution?
We’ve all seen them. The Highland dancers and their entourages working hard off in the corner of the Highland games grounds. We pipers tend to ignore them but the path to better pipe band competition is found in their example. Eastern U.S. piping could learn a few things from the way those dancers structure their competitions.
People lament the lack of ideas and progress in our eastern competition sphere. Much lip service is given to “thinking outside the box” in order to shake up eastern piping and drumming competition. Each year, the EUSPBA hosts their Annual General Meeting (AGM) and each branch brings forth proposals to do just that. Yet there are still those who lament the lack of progress. A quick glance of proposals brought up at past EUSPBA AGMs reveals that plenty of folks have had plenty of great ideas over many years for revamping our scene and fostering improvement.
Amidst the whining about funding for travel and hints at organizational bumbling, it would seem that the now canceled premier International Celtic Festival of Las Vegas pipe band invitational has much to grapple with besides a disgruntled piping community.
The RSPBA regradings are up on their website and it seems some eastern US bands have seen some impact. The North Coast Pipe Band of Cleveland, Ohio sees their standing improved to Grade 3B for competitions with the RSPBA sphere while the City of Washington Pipe Band of Washington, D.C., for a decade the EUSPBA’s only Grade 1 band, sees a downgrade to Grade 2 for RSPBA competitions. Given the explicit reciprocity among the worldwide pipe band associations, it will be interesting to see what will develop as a result of this decision.