Jimmy Bell Weighs In on key EUSPBA issue: Pipe Band Instructor Rule.

After declining to contribute to the Piper’s DoJo article interviewing the presidential candidates, Jimmy Bell has now sparked conversation on the EUSPBA’s Facebook page in regards to the playing-instructor rule.

Please take a second to check out the latest post, and comments by constituents! Hopefully this can continue to help allow you to make an informed decision with your ballot this year.

Here’s a link to the page. Let’s hear your comments!!!

Eastern United States Pipe Band Association


For your reference, the Post Begins:

Eastern United States Pipe Band Association In 2011 grade 3 bands will no longer be allowed to have instructors play with them during competition. Do you think this will have a significant impact on their results and if so why?

  • Bruce H

    I can not see how one piper, even an instructor, could have a significant bearing on a pipe bands performance. As these people are all a grade 3 level and are all accomplished pipers and drummers, the addition of the instructor would not change the overall sound or way they will play.

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