Monday, January 3, 2011
The hubbub of the holiday season is over. You can now focus more on bagpipes! Whether or not you are considering adding one of the 10 Bagpipe Performance Goals to your list of resolutions for 2011, working on personal bagpipe goals should be part of your year’s efforts. Pick one or more items from the list below to give your bagpiping a charge for the coming year.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How much risk and uncertainty do you allow in your own life? We all have our own way of handling risk, and any artistic or creative pursuit involves risk. We never really know what kind of results our hard work will bring or even the best way to achieve them. The emotional investment in one’s chosen art brings with it a certain amount of uncertainty and vulnerability. Competition of any kind is a creative pursuit that involves psychological risk taking. And anyone who belittles the activity of bagpipe competition has likely never been involved in anything more psychologically arduous than buying a toaster oven. They have no idea how personally grueling it can be.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
No, you’re not going to find bagpipe hints, playing tips, or tune instruction. Any improvement in your music begins with improvement in yourself. Like expanding your tune repertoire, you can expand your self-improvement repertoire as well.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
We all want to be “kick-ass” don’t we? There is quite a bit of brain research and data to suggest that the only thing in the way when moving from amateur to expert in anything is dedication.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What is the most difficult aspect of learning bagpipes or pipe band drumming? It’s not the music and it’s not playing or maintaining the instrument. It is practicing or, building the habits to practice.
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