On Being a Great Bagpiper
Monday, September 22, 2014

As pipers and drummers, it is easy to get so wrapped up in the “Highland” arts that we forget that the experience of making music is mostly the same for players of any instrument.
As pipers and drummers, it is easy to get so wrapped up in the “Highland” arts that we forget that the experience of making music is mostly the same for players of any instrument.
And why not? As Andy Lechter, in an article from Vice.com, says about bagpipes: “They’re a trance instrument, playing simple, barbaric, repetitive tunes until everyone is in a…
It’s often said that bagpipe adjudicating can be a very subjective thing. Individual taste and personal opinion are often thought to play a part in a judge’s final…
The first round of the Bagadou championships was held in Brest, Brittany a couple of weeks ago. An amazing event. The contest features the top level bagad ensembles…
I don’t know why, but the demise of the City of Chicago Pipe Band leaves me feeling extra sad for American bagpiping. Sure, I’ve seen good bands come…