Small Tunes: “Nameless Reel”
Friday, January 14, 2011
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“O’er the Water to Charlie” is another one of those Jacobite “rebel” songs that has been spun and respun into songs, pipe marches, fiddle jigs, etc.
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Another little reel to keep the feet tapping and the fingers waggling. The title is a universal sentiment that is as common today as it was when libations were first put in glass containers. As the holiday season comes upon us, it doesn’t take much imagination to see old-world country musicians passing around a bottle to cut the winter chill in between dance sets.
his happy little jig is often heard as “Lord Dunmore’s Jig” or simply “Lord Dunmore” and versions of that tune (although a bit different) can be found in many of the well kent collections of bagpipe music. That title is predated, however, by an earlier form of the tune in the eighteenth and nineteenth century collections as the slow march “Bung Your Eye.”