Junk Bagpipes—Now that’s a Pipehacker!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Junk pipe indeed! It appears that the intrepid pipehacker who constructed these pvc and duct tape bagpipes knows Ohio piper Andrew Bova, who gives them a spin in…
Junk pipe indeed! It appears that the intrepid pipehacker who constructed these pvc and duct tape bagpipes knows Ohio piper Andrew Bova, who gives them a spin in…
I have often caught myself in similar mannerisms when trying to explain bagpipes to uneducated. That drone, that endless drone…
Today’s Highland bagpiper has never had more media and music at their fingertips. The internet, expanding interest, and the number of live events all feed one another to…
OK, let’s be clear, the problem with this episode is the obvious solution to the burst bag is the skin of one of those fuzzy critters. Nevertheless, Shaun…
Jiro dreams of sushi, but Pipehacker dreams of bagpipes. I may be making a joke, but in all seriousness, the documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a…