5 Things to Get You Ready for the Coming Bagpipe Season
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Practical matters rule the day. We can talk all day about artistry, ability, practicing and all the things that make a good bagpiper. But it is often the…
Practical matters rule the day. We can talk all day about artistry, ability, practicing and all the things that make a good bagpiper. But it is often the…
Here’s a story familiar to many. You show up at band rehearsal and the Pipe Major is doling out new chanter reeds. Oh boy! You get yours and…
Wherein Pipehacker purchases and test drives assorted bagpipe junk from ebay—so you don’t have to. If you spend any time sorting through the bagpipe offerings on Ebay you’ve…
No more do pipers hibernate like bears in the winter months of the eastern USA. As winter wanes and spring waxes anew, there are a slew of opportunities…
Where do you want to go with your bagpiping? Have you ever asked yourself this? It’s a fair question and one that might make you uncomfortable to think…