Small Tunes: “The Last Day of the Year”

hogmanayfireThe end of another year approaches. It is an old Scottish tradition on Hogmanay, the last day of the year, to build a large fire and cast in and burn all that you wish gone for the coming year. Hogmanay-type celebrations are almost universal worldwide with the warmth of a large fire reminding us meager humans that the crushing darkness of winter will be over eventually and the sun of spring and summer will be here again. The tune “The Last Day of the Year” is one among several tunes from the piping tradition, tunes such as “I Wish You a Merry New Year,” “New Year’s Day,” and “Hogmanay was Ever Cheery,” that ush in the start of another year with an an upbeat, frivolous mood. Download the score for the strathspey and reel settings of “The Last Day of the Year” below and play the one that suits your particular New Year’s Eve celebration. Happy New Year!



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